
Wall-E the Cyborg (Chapter 6)

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Literature Text

True Directive

Nothing but darkness was all Eve could see till the word "Reboot" suddenly flashes as her view comes into focus and Scans around and feel's disoriented.

Eve ended up in the Garbage Depot as Eve lies in a seemingly endless warehouse of trash but not just trash, slime, and cyborg parts were everywhere in piles dumped from a variety of celling chutes.

Eve looks down to see computer mice crawl over her as one of them has crawled over her Reboot button and switched her back on.

"Wall-E! Wall-E where are you!" Eve yelled as a warning alarm sounds.

Eve spots a platform, loaded with giant trash cubes as it slides into an airlock as the inner shield doors lock and seal.

"Caution: Activating airlock disposal...Activating airlock disposal" a computer voice said as the exterior hatch flies open and the vacuum of space instantly sucks out the cubed trash.

Eve begins to panic and calling out again "Wall-E!" she yelled as suddenly, her area is flooded in light she flinches at the sight of

twogiant compactor Cyborgs as their eyes glowed and the trash around her rumble up behind her.

They bear a slight resemblance to Wall-E and WALL-A emblazoned on their jump suites.

Each grab a ton of trash at once with their gravity control as Eve is swept up with the junk and compact it and dropped to the ground.

Eve was now trapped in the side of a giant cube as her cube is picked up and transported to a waiting platform stacked with other massive cubes.

Eve looks over and discovers Wall-E was trapped in the cube next to her.

"Wall-E!" Eve yelled as he groans.

Again the alarms kick in as the platform slides on rails across the safety line and into the airlock as the inner shield doors begin to close.

Eve needs to act fast her gun was stuck inside the cube with her legs as she struggled to pull herself far enough to pull it out and activate it and blast herself free.

Eve then flies over to Wall-E and he's stuck deep in the cube.

Back in the Garbage DepotM-O suddenly drops from a ceiling chute and lands in a pile of trash covered with filth the screams at the sight.

"It's everywhere!" he yelled looking at all the piles of trash everywhere and the airlock doors closing in the distance he then pulls down his hat over his eyes and zooms in and locks on Wall-E as his screen reads "Foreign Contaminant".

"I have you now!" he yelled as he ran out and speeds towards the airlock.

Eve was tugging on Wall-E, desperate to free him as he's slow to pull loose.

The Gap in the doors was now narrow Eve knew she was never going to make it.

M-O was racing towards the doors and just as he was there the doors slam tight against his helmet attached to his head he was now stuck.

The exterior hatch opens and Eve yanks Wall-E free as the trash flies out into space as she flies against the force and fights to reach M-O and grabs onto his roller clutched in his hands.

Inside the Garbage Depot the WALL-As notice M-O stuck in the door and slams the Emergency shut-off button for the airlock.

The exterior hatch then closes making Eve and Wall-E fall to the ground in a heap.

"Oh thank goodness" Eve said noticing the wide-eyed M-O who was shaking uncontrollably with fear and still stuck in the door.

"Whoa" he said.

Moments laterthe WALL-A light up a small work space as Eve props Wall-E up against some trash.

'Oh he's barely functioning' Eve thought seeing a warning light flashes on the meter on his chest under his skin.

"Come on stay awake" Eve said as she unbuttoned his shirt and gently opens his chest cavity and examines the damage she carefully pulls out his circuit board, it was charred and shorting out, Irreparable.

Eve flies off into the depot in searches for a new circuit board.

As M-O loomed over Wall-E "now you will be clean!" he said as he dutifully began cleaning Wall-E.

After finishing up he pulled down his helmet and scan Wall-E again as his read 0% "All clean!" he said sitting down next to Wall-E in exhaustion.

Wall-E feebly offers his hand in gratitude "Wall-E" he said weakly.

M-O stares at the filthy hand then cleans it before he shakes it"M-O!"

They sit in awkward silence for a moment as Wall-E thought the name over in his head.

"Really?M-O?" he said.

"Yes M-O" he said

"M-O? Okay got it" he said.

Eve returns with found circuit boards and shows each one to Wall-E.

"Will any of these work?" she asked as he shakes his head with a frail "no."

Wall-E opens his chest and pulls out the plant "Di...rec...tive," he said weakly.

Eve holds the plant as her "return to Axiom Superior" flashes in her display as she considers it for a moment then tosses the plant over her shoulder to the floor.

"I don't care about the plant anymore" Eve said as she holds her hand out to him "new directive."

Wall-E struggles to lift his hand to Eve's a he reaches out and bats her hand away and surprises Eve.

Wall-E then pushes past her and crawls over to the discarded plant and gives it back to Eve.

"Errr..." he said trying to tell her the way to save him.

Eve can't make out what he is saying as Wall-E gives up on talking and fumbles around his pockets and pulls out the Zippo lighter and lights it.

Eve then stares at the flame and thought about where he got it, "Earth?" Eve said as Wall-E nodded

"Earth" he said as he lifted his eyebrows like the time he fixed his broken eye.

"You can fix me, Eve with spare parts in my truck the truck that is back on..." he said but she finished for him

"Earth! Earth!" she said now understanding, "There's no time to lose!" she said as she scoops him up.

"M-O? You coming or staying?" Wall-E asked.

"I'm comin' Wall-E!" M-O said as he

rushes over to Wall-E and grabs onto him as Eve raises her gun to the room and blasted a hole in then celling and takes off with the two of them up through the garbage chute.

The WALL-A's then wave goodbye.

A.N. Please Review
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