
Dragon Ball Z: Retold Saga: Final Mix (Chapter 6)

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I'll Fight Too!

For the rest of the week Gohan and Kento were left alone by Videl and during one airplane rescue Gohan and Kento stopped by to visit Bulma.

Bulma was working on a motorcycle while Gohan and Kento had removed their helmets and watched Bulma as she worked on the motorcycle as Trunks stood next to them drink an Orange Soda.

"So I heard you two are entering in the Martial Art Championships" Bulma said.

"Yeah" Gohan said as Kento just grunted.

"Wow, well I must say I'm a little surprised you two, it's not like you two have to prove yourselves or anything" Bulma said.

"I know but Videl Satan discovered our secret and she's blackmailing us" Gohan said.

"Again? Good grief Gohan you get blackmailed more than a politician what is it with you and all these girls? Videl Satan that sounds so familiar….huh! She not that goon Mr. Satan daughter?" Bulma asked.

"Yep that's her, she a class mate of ours at Orange Star High School, she nice and always fighting crime like we do, she a good girl, but I've never met anyone so abstinence and pushy as she is, except for my mom, and now that she knows who we are she's determined to show she stronger than me by beating me at the tournament" Gohan said.

"I'd say she obsessed with it" Kento said as Bulma walked over to her desk.

'Man Gohan and Kento are such nerds sometimes, if it was me I would beat that old girl up' Trunk thought as he drank his soda.

"So this Videl girl is rude and pushy huh? Just to you or to everyone?" Bulma asked.

"She mostly rude to Gohan but what does this have to do with…..oh" Kento said understanding where Bulma was getting at.

"What are you talking about?" Gohan asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kento asked.

"Gohan it sound to me like this girl likes you silly, I know it sounds strange but that the way girls operate sometimes, there's a good chance that you can get out of competing in the tournament by asking her out on a date" Bulma said taking a smoke from a cigarette .

"Nope tried that, she wasn't interested, not her I think what she really wants is to beat me up, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to compete, but they don't allow head protection in the tournaments I we need to come up with a new disguise for me and Kento" Gohan said looking at his helmet.

"Ah what a shame you don't see superheroes wearing helmets very often, it's a nice touch" Bulma said.

"Actually it's kind of stupid" Trunks said as Kento chuckled.

"Videl did call it a trashcan" Gohan said as Bulma giggled.

"Ouchy, that hurts, I guess I don't know what's in nowadays, I must be getting old" Bulma said as Kento set his helmet on the table.

"Just come up with something that won't make us look to stupid" he said.

"Let's see we need to come up with something simple yet sheik and I think I know just the thing" Bulma said leaving the room and coming back a few minutes later with a white and blue scarf and two sunglasses as she handed Kento and Gohan the glasses and wrapped the scarf on their heads like turbines.

"Tada! What do you guys think?" Videl asked as Kento and Gohan looked in the mirror and Kento raised an eyebrow as he heard Trunks soda spill on the ground as he looked over to him to see him drop hi can.

"Alright! I love it! Now that's what I call style!" Gohan said as Kento put his hand to his face. "Hey what do you think Trunks? Pretty cool huh" Gohan said as Trunks dropped his can on the ground.

"Yeah it's great" Trunks said sarcastically, 'if you like looking like a total geek that is.'

"Well I think you two look very cool but make sure you like it because your pictures are going to be plastered everywhere after one of you win" Bulma said.

"Who said one of them is going to win?" Vegeta asked entering the room with Reyoto and looked like they had recently spared.

"Who could possibly beat them?" Bulma asked as Vegeta smiled at them that sent shivers down Gohan and Kento spines.

"Yours truly that's who, if you two are entering then Reyoto and I are entering as well" Vegeta said as Kento glared at his uncle.

"Why the hell would you do that?" he asked as Reyoto shrugged his shoulders.

"Someone needs to show you two real brute strength" Reyoto said as Vegeta nodded and approached Gohan.

"You were stronger than me when we fought Cell but while you've been hanging in the library or going out on dates, I have been doing nothing but severe training the entire time" Vegeta said.

"Yep that's all you've been doing I can vouch for that, how come you Saiyans can train all day long but you can't mow a damn lawn or take out the trash" Bulma said as Gohan and Kento knew this was true and both blushed and looked away.

"For your information Vegeta we never once set foot in a library and he was just forced on one date!" Kento said.

"Don't forget Vegeta Kento and I have trained just as long and on many planets so you may be surprised at what were capable off" Reyoto said catching a spark on interests from Vegeta.

"This is so cool! All the best Saiyans are going to fight, wow!" Trunks said as Kento rolled his eyes.

"I think I'll enter too!" a voice said as Kento and Reyoto tails flared.

"Who the hell said that?!" Reyoto asked looking for the unknown enemy.

"Gohan" the voice said as Gohan gasped.

"Is that you dad? Please tell me that it's you" Gohan asked as Kento was shocked to hear Goku actual voice.

"No way, wow" Bulma said in denial like the rest of the room.

"Kakarot?" Vegeta said as Reyoto looked up at the roof like everyone else.

"It's you! Dad it's really you!" Gohan said with excitement as Kento was happy Gohan could talk to his dad.

"Hi son it's great to hear your voice again" Goku said as Kento chuckled.

"Wow I actually get to hear the great Kakarot voice" he said as Reyoto agreed.

"This is unbelievable you here!" Gohan said as Trunks looked confused.

"Where is he?" Trunks asked as everyone else wanted to know too.

"Trunks you haven't been telling Gohan and Kento about their costumes have you?" Goku asked as Kento glared at him.

"Why you little brat!" he growled as Trunks backed away. "Yeah you better back away" Kento said crossing his arms.

"Oh this is great, father are you really coming back to compete in the world championships?" Gohan asked.

"Yeah! I'm aloud to come back for one day, Baba check it out for me it appears I have a little credit, I'm excited! I can't wait to see everyone, tell your mom that I'm coming back for a whole day!" Goku said as Gohan looked like he could burst from all this excitement.

"Ha, ha alright yes!" Gohan yelled sticking his hands in the air.

Trunks had walked over to Vegeta as he grabbed his arm. "He's flipped dad" Trunks said as Vegeta chuckled.

"No son his dad coming back even I'm excited that Kakarot so I can have another chance to defeat you" Vegeta said as Kento rolled his eyes.

'You wish you pain in the ass prince' Kento thought as he heard Goku laugh.

"We'll see, I guess anything is possible miracles do happen" Goku said.

"Miracles huh? Oh I can't wait" Vegeta chuckled a little evilly.

"This is great, Gohan after you tell your mom you should go to Master Roshi, Krillin going to flip when he hears" Bulma said.

"Right! Defiantly" Gohan said as Trunk had made his way over to his mother and pulled on her pant leg.

"Who's he?" he asked.

"Just an old friend Trunks, oh hey Vegeta if you're going to compete you and Reyoto should wear a disguise, maybe something like mine and Kento" Gohan said.

Vegeta and Reyoto both had the look of disgust as Vegeta did all the yelling. "No way! I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing!" he yelled as Kento chuckled.

"So Kakarot do you know I am?" Reyoto asked.

"Yes King Kai told me about you Reyoto and about my nephew Kento, I must same I'm very impressed at both of your progress everyone going to be in for a surprise" Goku said.

"Wait a minute what does that mean? Is there something you're not telling me Reyoto?" Vegeta asked as he glared at him.

"That is my business Vegeta you have your secrets and Kento and I have ours you will have to wait till the day of the tournament to see my true power" Reyoto said leaving the room.

"As your prince I demand you tell me at once!" Vegeta yelled chasing after him.

"Well I got to go see you all soon" Goku said.

"Bye dad" Gohan said as him and Kento left to see Krillin, 18, and Master Roshi.

After flying over the city Gohan and Kento began flying over the city as Kento looked over at Gohan to see the famous Son grin on his face.

"Your mother going to have a heart attack when she hears the news" Kento said as Gohan nodded.

"I know this is so awesome!" Gohan said as he laughed and Kento could help but laugh along with him as they flew around each other.

Gohan and Kento were flying over a road when they saw an orange car being shot at by a pig thing in a blue car.

"Come on Gohan we have time to spare" Kento said as Gohan nodded and flew down in front of the car slamming his foot on the back and sent the two men in it flying as Kento caught them and threw them to the ground.

"Shame on you! Shooting a gun at a helpless lady" Gohan said with his knuckles on his hips in a heroic posse as Kento looked at the men with his arms crossed and tail swaying behind him.

"Fool! You idiot dopes!" the pig thing said as Gohan laughed and Kento noticed something wrong with the trees, they almost looked plastic.

"Your wrong not even close friend, so you want to know our names huh? We are the defenders of justice and truth I am the Great-" But before Gohan could finish the woman from the orange car hit Gohan upside his head and into Kento who caught him.

"You big dummies! How dare you, what do you think we're doing! Now I'll have to do it all over again!" She yelled as Kento helped Gohan to his feet.

"What the hell is your problem lady we just save you?" Kento asked as the woman came into their faces.

"It took me all day to get that take right and when I finally done it you blew it!" she yelled.

"Cut! What the hell is going on down there!" a man yelled as Gohan and Kento saw a movie camera coming down towards them.

"Saiyaman and Dark Saiyaman aren't apposed to be in this scene!" an orange hair man yelled as Kento realized that Gohan and him were on a movie set.

"Hey you two! That was a great stunt but you got to stick to the script understand!" the man yelled.

"Us? You mean us sir?" Gohan asked still not knowing what's going on.

"No my mom! Of course you hot shots there are plenty of stunt men in this town, the next time you two do that your fired!" he yelled.

"Kento what's going?" he whispered as Kento put his hand to his face.

"You baka! Were on a movie set they think were actors!" Kento whispered.

"Places! Let's see if we can get it right this time people!" the director yelled as people came out from behind bushes complaining.

"Alright let get right now folks! We're almost a week behind seclude as it is" the director yelled as Gohan and Kento walked around the movie set.

"Wow they actually made us into a movie, Goten going to flip" Gohan said as Kento and him looked to a poster with Gohan holding a girl in his arms that looked like Videl and a shorter version of Kento with a black tail stood next to him.

"What the hell?! I am not shorter then you! Were the same height! And my tail is brown not that disgusting color! Damn humans and their tiny brains!" Kento yelled as he tore off the poster and ripped it to shreds.

"Camera!" the director yelled as Gohan and Kento looked ontop of a building where the real stunt doubles were.

"Ready!" the camera man yelled.

"Action!" the director yelled as the stunt double shouted no and something about being afraid of heights.

"Let me go! No one told us we had to do this!" one of the men yelled as two men tried to get them to let of a pole they were holding onto.

"Gohan and Kento then burst into laughter at the scene before them as everyone looked over at them.

"Do you really think that guy looks like me?" Gohan laughed as Kento grabbed at his sides.

"And that scrawny brat looks nothing like me and you got the damn tail all wrong" Kento laughed.

"What are you two going on about!" the director yelled as Gohan and Kento stopped laughing and walked over to the director.

"Those look nothing like the real Saiyaman and Dark Saiyaman, we look more like then then they do" Gohan said.

"They don't look anything like them" a man next to the director said.

"Dammit you're right but at this point I'll take anybody even a pathetic duo like them" the director said.

"Excuse me?!" Kento growled as the director approached him.

"This effect makeup is really good, it makes this tail look so real" the director said about to touch it but it wrapped itself around Kento waist.

"Touch my tail and I'll break your arm!" Kento growled as the director smiled.

"I love it! Get these two up there!" the director yelled as two men began pushing Gohan and Kento to the building.

"Wait a minute we didn't agree to this!" Gohan said in protest and Kento and him kept getting pushed.

After get put into harness and placed on the edge of the building Gohan and Kento looked down as the director yelled. "Places people this is it!" the director shouted.

"Excuse me sir but what exactly are you having us do?" Gohan asked.

"Announce to the villains who you are, now are you two ready?" The director yelled.

"Yeah!" Gohan yelled as Kento rolled his eyes.

"Alright hot shots let's see what you two got! Camera!" The director yelled as a marker was held up.

"The Adventures of Saiyaman and the Dark Saiyaman, take one action!" a man yelled.

Gohan then began his hero line as he did his stupid possess Kento got ready. "We are the defenders of justice and truth I am the Great…."

"Cut! What the hell was that?! No, no, no, no! You're opposed to be a superhero not dancing around like a cheerleader!" the director yelled as Kento laughed.

"See I told you people will think those moves were stupid" Kento said.

"Now do it like Saiyaman!" the director yelled as Gohan kept screwing up for ten roles as the director yelled.

"Enough! Knock it off! We're not trying to make Saiyaman and his sidekick look like idiots, this is a serious action movie! Be serious!" he yelled.

"Sidekick?! I am not his sidekick we are partners, and which one you morons thought I was shorter then him and thought my tail was black!" Kento yelled.

"I know your types now shape up or your fired!" the director yelled as Gohan and Kento back away.

"Sorry sir" they both said as they were both lifted in front of a clock tower.

"Places this is the hero jump scene" he said as Gohan and Kento saw the time.

"Oh man, look how late it is!" Kento said.

"We still need to tell my mom the news and we still have to make it to Master Roshi" Gohan said.

"Then let's go" Kento said as they were placed on top of the clock tower.

"Quiet! Now, ready, action!" the director shouted as Gohan and Kento jumped off the clock tower and removed their harnesses as they flew off as every stared in shock.

"I bet that made a great scene" Kento said as Gohan and him flew off for Master Roshi home.

After finding Krillin on the beach of the pink house on the beach and told him about Goku return.

"Oh no way! Goku going to compete? I don't believe it this is amazing!" Krillin said with a new hairstyle.

"Goku? Well what do you know" Master Roshi said from a beach chair and reading a women swimsuit magazine.

"Pervert" Kento said silently as Gohan and Krillin laughed.

"Well if all the Saiyans are going to enter why should I enter?" Krillin asked.

"Oh come on Krillin it could be fun" Kento said.

"I know it would be fun in all it would be just like old times again, fighting in another worlds championships with Goku sounds too good to be true but I have to start training a lot and I don't know how my wife would feel about it" Krillin said as a blue ball bounced out of the house with a little blond two year old.

"Hi daddy! Kick the ball! Get it dad" the girl said as Krillin handed her the ball.

"Here you go Marron, you little firefly, that a girl" Krillin said.

"She adorable Krillin, how would you like to see your dad compete in the martial art tournament?" Gohan asked Marron.

"First she needs to know if there is any prize money involved" 18 said standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

"Oh hi nice to see you, and yeah they pay out for certain places" Gohan said.

"First the overall winner of the tournament wins ten million zenie" Kento said.

"Then it goes all down, second place gets paid five million, and third place gets three million" Gohan said.

"Enter Krillin, and I will so why not?" 18 asked as Krillin crossed his arms.

"Hey dad if you fight I'll watch you" Marron said.

"Thanks sweetheart" Krillin said still with a frown on his face and arms crossed.

"Come on Krillin" 18 said putting her hand on her daughter head.

"Yeah, come on you'll win if you do" Marron said.

"If you say so, I'll do it" Krillin said.

"Hey maybe I should enter too, what do you think?" Roshi asked.

"No way, you're too old!" Marron said as Kento laughed at Marron answer.

"Hey Gohan let's not tell Piccolo about it, that way I'll have a better chance at getting into the top five" Krillin whispered.

"I don't know Krillin I was going to tell him too" Gohan said.

"Oh alright but if you won't do me this favor I'm going to have to be honest about yours and Kento outfits" Krillin said.

"What are you talking about? I'm at the panicle of style I think you lost your fashion sense living out here for so long" Gohan said as Kento put his hand to his face.

"Forget it Krillin it no use trying to get him understand" Kento whisper to Krillin. "So let's go Gohan" Kento said as him and Gohan took off into the air.

"See you guys at the tournament" Gohan said as took off for the lookout.

After Kento took in that both Piccolo and Dende were Namekians; Kento just watched as Gohan explained everything to the tall Namek with the white turbans on his shoulders and head.

"Goku, if he's entering it should be one to remember" Piccolo said.

"What do you say?" Gohan asked.

"Sure kid, I'll do it, sounds like fun" Piccolo said.

"I'm sure Dende would enjoy the tournament as well" Mr. Popo said.

"That sounds great you should come" Gohan said.

"Hey thanks but I'm not much of a fighter Gohan I think I better stick to healing" Dende said.

"I do have one question? You two are not going to wear that to the tournament are you?" Piccolo asked.

"What!? Man not you too! You don't think our outfits look good?" Gohan asked as a drop of sweat came down Piccolo head.

"Gohan I can't lie to you, it's ridiculous" Piccolo said as Kento could see Gohan hopes for their costume shatter to a million pieces as Kento stepped in.

"It was nice meeting all of you but we got to go" Kento said dragging Gohan away.

After flying over a rocky mountain area Gohan snapped out of his faze and crossed his arms as they flew.

"Of all the people Piccolo, I can't believe it, really!" Gohan complained.

"Yeah, yeah I know Gohan" Kento said as they flew.

"He wears a turban for goodness shakes and his pointy little booties and who knows what he drapes over his shoulders!" Gohan yelled as a thought came to him and Kento noticed.

"What's up?" Kento asked.

"Come to think of it I used to dress like him all those years when I was a kid" Gohan said as Kento rolled his eyes.

"Surprise, surprise" Kento said sarcastically.

"Now I know why he thought our outfits were ridiculous, he's jealous!" Gohan said crossing his arm and faced Kento as they flew.

"Yeah you tell yourself" Kento said.

"I guess I haven't my mom if I can participate in the championships, wouldn't that be great, Gohan son of Goku will not be taking part in the world championships this years because his mommy won't let him" Gohan said in a announcer tone as he flew threw a forest.

"Gohan watch it!" Kento yelled as Gohan came back out with a bird nest on his head with two baby birds.

"How can it be possible for a guy who saved the world still has to take orders from his mother" Gohan said as Kento pointed to the bird nest on Gohan head as Gohan noticed it and Kento picked it off.

"I will take this back wait here" Kento said flying back to put the bird nest back before they flew to tell Chichi about the tournament.

After arriving to Gohan home Kento and Reyoto stayed for dinner again since Chichi loved the company and during dinner Gohan broke the news to Chichi about Goku return.

"What?! My gosh Goku coming back after all this time! This is unbelievable, oh my goodness to think your father coming home" Chichi said as the Saiyans all eat from their bowls of rice.

"Good news son you get to meet you daddy isn't that wonderful?" Chichi said picking up Goten as he had a mouth full of food and squeezed him to hard.

"Chichi take it easy we don't want him dead before he meets his father" Reyoto said as Chichi set Goten down and had tears in her eyes.

"Oh boys this is too good to be true, I'm in trouble though aren't I? I look so old now and Goku probably looks like he hasn't aged a bit, people don't age in otherworld do they? Maybe I should get a facial and get my hair done and keep myself from crying and get all puffy what do you think boys?" Chichi asked.

"Don't be ridiculous Chichi you look beautiful and Goku will love you just the way you are" Reyoto said.

"Oh you're so sweet Reyoto!" Chichi said.

"Oh by the way mom since dad competing in the world martial art championships do you think I can enter as well?" Gohan asked as Chichi didn't snap out of her daydream.

"Hello earth to Chichi someone talking to you" Kento said as Chichi snapped out of it.

"What are you saying?" she asked.

"I like your permission to enter in the martial arts tournament and to miss some days of school to train with Kento" Gohan said.

"What?! Are you serious!" she yelled as Kento expected this from her.

"Yes of course" Gohan said.


"Mom dad will only be here for a day and I'll never get this chance again!" Gohan said.


"Chichi the winner gets pain ten million zenie! That could help Gohan get a good scholarship" Kento said as Chichi screamed.

"AHHH! YOU COULD GET A PHD WITH THAT KIND OF CASH!" she yelled as Goten hid behind Reyoto as Gohan and Kento hid in a corner.

"Wow my son a PHD! How wonderful of course you can compete in the tournament Gohan of course you can" Chichi said.

"What a truly terrifying woman" Reyoto said.

After all the dishes were cleaned and put away Kento and Reyoto got ready to leave as Kento approached Gohan.

"I'll see you tomorrow so be up bright and early for training" Kento said.

"I will" Gohan said as Kento put his hands on his hips.

"I mean it Gohan, it you are a minute late you will get far worse punishment than detention!" Kento said as Gohan laughed.

"I promise" he said as Kento smiled.

"Good bye, thanks for dinner Aunt Chichi" Kento said.

"Oh I just love hearing that, and you and Reyoto are welcomed here anytime" Chichi said.

"Good night Chichi and sleep well boys" Reyoto said as Goten hugged Reyoto leg.

"Bye Uncle Reyoto! See you tomorrow" he said as Reyoto ruffled his hair and Kento and him flew off to their home.

Gohan did as promised and awoke early as him and Goten did stretches in their training gi's as they saw Kento fly in an orange gi similar to Goku except he had a long sleeve yellow shit underneath and a teal color belt around his waist as his tail hung behind him.

"Well good morning my cousins" Kento said as he started to stretch with Gohan and Goten.

Gohan wore a blue gi with a red belt and wrist bands while Goten wore something similar to Kento except with blue sleeves.

After the three cousins finished doing their warm-ups "Alright nice warm-ups let's get started" Gohan stood up and turned to Kento.

"This is a little trick my dad thought me" Gohan said as he powered up to Super Saiyan. "Pretty cool wouldn't you say?" Gohan asked.

"Yeah but you'll need someone who match your powers and strength, even in Super Saiyan" Kento said as he began powering up as the ground shook around them and Kento became a Super Saiyan as he looked over at Gohan and Goten stunted expression.

"How did you become a Super Saiyan?!" Gohan asked.

"Easy, me and Reyoto have travelled around the universe looking for my wicked father and fought many powerful enemies and during one special fight both my uncle and I became Super Saiyans" Kento said.

"This is great! Now we can go above and beyond!" Gohan said as they began their first day of training.

A.N.Please Review.
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