
Dragon Ball Z: Retold Saga: Final Mix (Chapter 5)

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Gohan and Kento went looking for Goten and they landed in an empty nest with a large eggshell as Kento looked around for Goten as they saw the Nimbus cloud floating next to the nest.

"Where's your brother? His cloud here, but where is he?" Kento asked as they saw and eggshell move and Goten popped out lifting the shell over his head.

"I'm here but where did Chobi go? Don't you think it is strange that he is gone? He's just a baby, he can't even fly" Goten said as Kento looked over to Gohan.

"Well hey, you can't fly either and you manage to get around, besides Toh-Toh and his wife would never let anything happen, don't worry Chobi fine Goten, let's go home" Gohan said as Goten hopped onto the Nimbus cloud.

"I'll beat you two!" Goten said flying off as Gohan and Kento chased after him.

"Oh no you won't!" Gohan shouted as they raced back to Gohan home.

Kento and Reyoto had stayed for dinner with Gohan and his family so while Chichi finished up the four hungry Saiyans sat at the table.

"I hope you boys are hungry" Chichi said chopping something on her cutting board.

"Well not for meatloaf" Goten said as Kento chuckled.

"Goten! Shame on you, you will eat what I put on the table" Chichi said.

"Your mother right Goten you should be grateful to have such a delicious meal" Reyoto said still having no sense in wearing a shirt and drink some tea Chichi had given him.

"Thank you Reyoto, at least someone appreciates my cooking" Chichi said as a TV commercial caught the Saiyans attention.

"That's right folks the circus is in town again and thanks to the promoter Mr. Musuka, circus goers has a new attraction this year and there he is the baby dinosaur winning the hearts of circus goer everywhere" the commercial had shown a baby dinosaurs being whipped at and looked sacred to death as Goten stood up in his chair.

"That's Chobi! Gohan it's Chobi!" Goten said as Reyoto made a disgusted look.

"How can anyone threat that poor infant in such a way?" Reyoto asked as Kento shook his head.

"Look the poor little guy is scared to death, do you boys know him?" Chichi asked bringing a tray full of foods.

"Yeah his nest is a few miles from here; we've known his parents for years they're not going to be too happy about this I can tell you that" Gohan said.

"This is really awful Gohan" Goten said with a sad expression.

"Don't worry he'll be fine quirt, Kento and I will see to this personally and that's a promise" Gohan said as Kento knew what he got dragged into.

The next day Gohan and Kento went to the circus and got into a show to see the poor baby dino get whipped to do stupid tricks as Kento growled in disgust. "There the owner right there" Kento said as him and Gohan saw the man from the TV smoking a cigar.

Once they approached him Gohan decided to do the talking.

"Excuse me sir?" he said getting the man attention. "Hi my name is Gohan and I'm a little concerned about the wellbeing of your dinosaurs" Gohan said.

"That's great, now buzz off!" Mr. Musuka yelled as Kento glared at the man.

"Look I know you kidnapped that little guy so please let him go" Gohan said trying to go the nice way before they went with plan B.

"You've got to be kidding me? Don't you remember how Jack and the beanstalk got the goose that laid golden eggs? He stole it that how kid, but maybe you're right but maybe he should be arrested for kidnapping" Mr. Musuka said as he laughed.

"It's not funny! Look that baby dinosaur has a mother and a father and a home, you can't just take him mister!" Gohan yelled as the man stood up.

"Shut up! Where do you think circus owners get their animals kid! Do you think the stork brings them? its dollars that matter not sentimental rubbish" he said grabbing Gohan shirt and pushed him over as he laughed and Kento helped Gohan up.

"That's it! Time for plan B! Come on Gohan" Kento said as they left the tent.

"I hope taking Chobi is the right thing to do" Gohan said as he looked over to a family.

"Hell yeah it is if those people had their child taken from them you bet they will take their child right back" Kento said as Gohan and him raced behind a car and activated their hero costumes and got ready to save Chobi.

After sneaking around back Gohan and Kento watched as a man pushed a cage with Chobi in it as they wait for the close to be clear before they approached the cage.

"Chobi, what's up little guy? It's me, me Gohan" he whispered as he bent the bars and stepped in to brake the chain on Chobi leg as Kento stood watch. "Yeah there we go, great now let's get out of here" Gohan said putting the dino on his shoulders as he stepped out of the cage.

"What do you think you're doing!" a man with an iron pole said standing a few feet away from Kento and Gohan.

"I beg your pardon sir but I'm retuning him to his right full home" Gohan said as the man lifted the pole over his head.

"That's what you think!" he said bringing his pole down as Kento caught it and slammed his elbow into the man gut and kicked him back to knock him out cold.

"Let's go!" Kento said as Gohan and him flew into the air.

Just as Gohan flew with Chobi on his shoulder and Kento flying at his side they flew over Satan City as Chobi began crying and grabbed onto Gohan helmet covering his sight.

"Chobi! I can't see!" Gohan said almost crashing into Kento as they flew in random direction.

"Gohan, will you quit screwing around!" Kento yelled as Gohan almost dropped Chobi and now held him with his hands.

"Come down Chobi!" Gohan said as Kento can tell they were both dizzy "I know, you two huh? Let's go down" Gohan said as Kento flew down with them as they landed into an empty road as Gohan set the baby dino on the ground.

"Come on Chobi sit still" Gohan said as the dino looked confusingly at him. "You know what I'm talking about now come on I think we'll stick to the ground this time, no offence but I need to see to fly" Gohan said as police sirens caught their attention.

"Damn it's the cops!" Kento said as Gohan put Chobi onto his shoulders.

"Stay where you are this is the police!" a cop on an intercom said.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Gohan said as him and Kento ran through the streets with the police chasing them.

After running through the entire city Gohan and Kento jumped over a truck as it blocked the cops way.

"Good no one's hurt" Gohan said as they continued running.

"Yeah lucky us" Kento said as Videl jet-copter flew next to them as both their eyes widened.

"Stop thief! It's all over!" Videl yelled as she flew in front of them.

"Dammit! Does she ever give up?!" Kento yelled as Videl stepped out of her jet-copter.

"Well it didn't take long for you to reveal your true colors did it? You should be ashamed" Videl said as Kento snorted and crossed his arms.

"It's not what it seems you're going to have to believe me Videl if we don't return this guy to his rightful home the people of this city are going to be in grave danger and that's the truth" Gohan said as Videl approached them.

"What do you know about the truth your just a common thief! Now give that dinosaur back or I'll take him back by force!" Videl said as Kento stepped in front of Gohan and Chobi.

"Just try it! If you want him you'll have to go threw me, Saiyaman you hold onto Chobi I'll hand this bitch" Kento said as Videl went into a fighting stance.

`"Have it your way Dark Saiyaman, let's see what you made of" Videl said laughing as Kento growled and his tail became free as Videl eyes widen as cops began to surround them as the man who kidnapped Chobi yelled to get him back Kento growled louder.

"Please, you know were law binding citizens but this is a special case I swear!" Gohan said as Kento remained between him and Videl.

"Oh I get it, you two hold yourselves above the law, is that it? You only obey the law when it convenient and break it and call it a special case, well you can tell your special case to the judge you two" Videl said going for a kick but Kento growled dangerously at her as she saw him have sharp teeth before blocking her kick than push her back hard to the ground.

"You stupid human you're just like you father" Kento growled as Gohan eyes widen.

"Keep your mouth shut Dark Saiyaman!" Gohan whispered.

"No! This bitch needs a reality check and to listen to something besides her own damn voice!" Kento yelled as Videl threw and punch and he caught it as he kicked her back. Not enough to kill her but make her sore and to regret another attack.

"Some hero you are" Videl said as Kento grabbed her throat and slammed her against the wall.

"I'm more of a hero then that useless father of yours!" Kento growled as he threw her to the ground as Gohan set Chobi down and walked over to Kento.

"Calm down! We don't need for her to uncover us yet!" Gohan yelled as Kento relaxed.

"I'm sorry, but I just got sick of letting this bitch believe that her father did something that you deserve credit for and her arrogance really annoys me!" Kento whispered as they heard a whipping sound as they saw Mr. Musuka whipping Chobi began crying loud as Gohan eye widen.

"Oh no!" Gohan yelled as he caught Videl punch.

"What is he doing?" Videl asked as Gohan pushed her back a little.

"He's calling his parents!" Gohan said as Kento approached Mr. Musuka.

"You see what you did you baka! Now were all in trouble!" Kento yelled taking his whip and breaking as the sky went dark and two large shadows flew above them.

"Get out of here! Run!" Gohan yelled as Kento picked up Chobi and tried to get him to stop crying as Chobi parents landed on both sides of the streets as the police began shooting at them.

"No don't they just want their baby!" Kento yelled as the red pterodactyl began flying towards Kento as he looked over to Videl "see you stupid girl?! We were telling the truth!" he yelled as Videl started wide eye.

"Chobi was kidnapped from them and now they want him back so unless you want to see people die help us!" Gohan said.

"Alright I understand now" Videl said as Gohan took off into the air "hold your fire, don't shot!" Videl yelled as she walked over to Kento. "I'm sorry" she said as Kento smiled at her.

"I'm sorry to miss, now hold Chobi for me I need to help Saiyaman" Kento said handing her Chobi as he took off into the air to help Gohan.

"It's alright little guy don't be afraid" Videl said as she looked over at Mr. Musuka. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" she yelled as he took off.

Gohan and Kento were in the air as Gohan started to yell. "Hold on Toh-Toh! Chobi safe now we want to give him back! I'm sorry that this happened old friends!" he yelled as Chobi parent's stopped midair.

"Saiyaman! Dinosaurs don't understand English!" Videl yelled.

"I'm well aware of that miss Videl, your very smart, but I've known these creatures since I was a baby myself, I can't show them who I am but they might recognize my voice" Gohan said being very sarcastic.

"Just show them who you are! I won't tell anybody!" Videl yelled as Toh-Toh flew down at them ready to attack Videl.

"Look out!" Gohan yelled as he teleported down to her and pushed them out of the way. "Toh-Toh please stop! It's me your friend Go...uh" He said stopping himself as he looked down at Videl, "what's up?" he asked as he got off her.

"You know what's up! Don't act dumb! You said Go didn't you? Go-What? That's what I want to know!" Videl said grabbing his shoulders.

"Please let go! There's no time for this!" Gohan yelled as Kento dodged an aerial attack.

"Yes there is it will take a second just tell me your name! Its Gohan isn't it? Just say it already!" Videl said.

"Please, here he comes!" Gohan said pushing Videl back as he stood up "TOU-TOU!" he yelled really loud as the dinosaur stopped and landed in front of them as Kento was in the air looking down with the female dinosaur.

Just then Mr. Musuka grabbed a gun and pointed it at Tou-Tou, Gohan, Videl and Chobi.

"Now all of yawl freeze! Now give me back my dinosaur or I'll blow you away! I found him he's mine!" Mr. Musuka yelled.

"Don't shoot!" Gohan yelled as Videl threw handcuffs at his to knock his gun out but took a shot the angered Tou-Tou as he walked towards Videl. "Tou-Tou! Not her, please!" Gohan yelled as he disappeared and appeared in front of Tou-Tou. "Don't do it!" he yelled slamming his fist into his chest and knocked the poor dino out and Kento flew down next to Mr. Musuka.

"So you think you can take whatever animal you want from the wild and make it into you own slave and abuse him huh?!" Kento growled with a dark aura around him and cracking his knuckles.

Meanwhile Chobi ran to his father as Kento walked away from Mr. Musuka leaving a steaming bump the size of a baseball on Mr. Musuka head.

"Don't worry about your dad little guy he'll be just fine" Gohan said as Chobi made cooing's sounds as Kento saw a cut on Gohan cheek.

"Listen to how precious he is, Saiyaman, Dark Saiyaman I…." she said as Gohan smiled at her as Kento stood next to him.

"Let's get them home" Kento said taking Chobi as Gohan lifted Tou-Tou.

"Goodbye miss Videl!" Gohan said as him and Kento flew off into the sky.

Kento had put Chobi on his mother back and helped carry Tou-Tou as they flew back to the nest.

After returning Chobi to his home Gohan and Kento returned to their homes where they got enough rest for school the next day where they got ready for another day of school.

Gohan and Kento were both running late so they were running in the halls as Kento yelled at Gohan for causing them to be late.

"I can't believe were late again Gohan!" Kento said as they ran past an open locker.

"Good morning Gohan and good morning to you too Kento" Videl said as they stopped and turned to her.

"Oh hey there Videl, you're late to huh?" Gohan said turning to her as she saw the Band-Aid on his cheek as she slammed the locker shut.

"Gohan, Kento it's over" she said with a joyful face.

"What do you mean? Class is just starting Videl" Gohan said.

"Yeah what the hell are you talking about?" Kento asked.

"Forget class! Hold still" she said tearing off Gohan Band-Aid. "My gosh isn't that funny I saw Saiyaman get scratched in the same spot and that belt isn't a belt it's a tail! You two are Saiyaman and the Dark Saiyaman!" Videl said pointing her finger at them as both of their eyes widened.

"Oh great now the public know because of this nosey human" Kento said.

"Well I wouldn't say it was public knowledge, only I know but I do think they have the right to know, maybe I should seclude a press conference" Videl said.

"You wouldn't!" Kento growled as Gohan held his arm out.

"Please don't you know the only reason we kept our identities a secret is to protect our family privacy it's for them please Videl" Gohan begged.

"Is that true?" Videl asked.

"Of course it is" Gohan said as Kento wanted to knock her out and hope she lose her memory.

"You're the gold fighter too aren't you?" Videl asked as Kento rolled his eyes.

"No shit Sherlock! Were the only people here that can do that" Kento said getting a glare from Videl as he returned it.

"Videl is there any way you can keep our secret between us?" Gohan asked

"And choose your answer wisely girl you might get hurt if I don't like it" Kento said.

"Maybe but you have to do something for me in return, ok here's the deal if you two enter the Worlds Martial Arts Tournament I'll keep your secret how that?" Videl said.

"That it? Enter a stupid fight, hell yeah I agree to that" Kento said eager to beat her in front of the world.

"Wait you want us to enter the tournament?" Gohan asked.

"That's right I'll be competing myself but winning the tournament will mean nothing to me if I know all the best fighters in the country are participating my dad was champion and some guy named Goku one the one before that" she said.

"So, why should we care?" Kento asked.

"Strangely enough I did some research on this Goku fellow and that he has a son named Gohan then I put two and two together and realized you're his son, I'm right about that aren't I? Well?" she said as Gohan as about to say something but Kento but in.

"Yes Gohan is Goku son and I'm Goku nephew so if that what you want to hear then fine there's your damn answer!" Kento said.

"I knew it you! Goku son, and Kento your cousin it all makes sense now, wow this is going to be great what a terrific match the former champion daughter fighting the former champion son doesn't that sound exciting to you?" Videl said.

"Not really why don't we do something really challenging like go out on a date" Gohan said laughing nervously.

"Look if you're to chicken to fight me then you don't have to compete but I'm going to tell everyone you secret" Videl said.

"What you'd do that!?" Gohan yelled as Kento got ready to beat the day light out of this nosey human.

"Yeah sure the truth is the truth right your family will have to adapt to living in the line life just like mine did" Videl said crossing her arm and leaning on the lockers.

"You wouldn't really" Gohan said as Kento knew she was dead set.

"Just try me" Videl said.

"Oh alright fine, I'll compete in the tournament" Gohan said.

"Cheer up this is going to be a blast you just wait and see it's going to be a hell of a lot better than going out on a silly old date that's for sure" Videl said as she started to walk past them. "Oh there's one more condition" Videl said.

"What?! What more do you want you harpy?!" Kento asked.

"It's no big deal I just want to learn how to fly that's all, that should be too hard to teach me is it?" Videl asked.

"No it a synch" Gohan said.

"Great! Then we'll get started right away, see you later" she said disappearing around.

"Blackmailed again, dammit! Gohan we are so screwed! This is the worst first week of school!" Kento said as Gohan and Kento went to class.

A.N. Please Review.
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