
Dragon Ball Z: Retold Saga: FInal Mix (Chapter 24)

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Fusion Reborn

A few weeks passed and it soon became Gohan and Kento last year of high school and Goku got an idea to get everyone together since none have seen each of for three years and was talking to Gohan and Kento about it.

"Camping? You want to invite everyone of the Z-Fighters for a camping trip?" Kento said.

"Yeah! Doesn't it sound like a great idea?" Goku said.

"I hate to admit it but I would much rather go camping then go to another party" Reyoto said.

"What do you guys think?" Goku asked.

"I guess it's alright can we invite Videl and Serena?" Gohan asked.

"Sure! Invite Hercule too if you want" Goku said.

Somewhere in hell!

A red ogre was listening to music and not paying attention the Soul Cleansing Machine begins to shake with his loud heavy metal music. His lack of attention allows the machine to become too full, and, as a result, the machine explodes, releasing all of the evil energy at once causing the red ogre to turn into a giant yellow creature and trapping the check in the colorful crystals but freeing all the evil in hell.

Back at the son house Gohan and Kento having dinner with the family and with Serena and Videl.

"Wow that was great mom, I'm ready for a nap" Gohan said.

"Me too!" Goten said.

"Who going to do all those dishes?!" Chichi asked.

"Relax mom" Goten said.

"We'll do them later" Gohan said.

"I can't blame boys you're only acting just like your father" Chichi said.

"Speaking of Goku, where is he?" Reyoto asked.

"Left to invite everyone for the camping trip" Kento said.

"I'll help you Chichi" Videl said.

"Me too" Serena said.

"I wouldn't think of it girls your guests here guests don't do dishes" Chichi said.

"Do you want to do them by yourself?" Serena said as Chichi looked over at the pile of dishes crammed in the sink.

Five minutes later!

Videl and Serena were washing away at the dishes with Chichi.

"You know girls you aren't getting any younger do you happen to be thinking about marriage at all?" Chichi asked as Serena and Videl stopped washing dishes and looked at each other than to their boyfriends before blushing.

"Marriage that's a long way off" Chichi said.

"Yeah Chichi were only seventeen" Serena said.

"You never know" Chichi said as Videl dropped a dish to the floor.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Videl said.

"Don't worry I allow myself one broken dish per breakfast lunch and dinner" Chichi said as Videl sighed and knocked over more dishes.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm such a cults!" Videl said as her watch went off.

"Now what?" Serena said.

"This is Videl go ahead" Videl said.

"Videl we got some serious problems!" the captain said.

"What's going on?" Videl asked.

"You'll have to see it for yourself it's crazy come down town and hurry!" the captain said.

"Be right there! Can you guys come?" she asked looking over to Gohan and Kento.

"Yes let's go!" Kento said.


Goku was flying over the valley when he sensed something wrong with otherworld and saw the sky rip in half with a red light and could see colorful beads in it.

"What the hell? I better see what's happening" Goku said I.T. to the check out and saw color orbs in all directions and saw a green figure fly towards him "Pikkon! Get a load if this, this doesn't look like the check in station I know, it feels like King Yemma inside that thing."

"I know I came to investigate" Pikkon said Yemma appeared in the yellow crystal.

"Goku thank goodness an accident mutated one of our workers he did this" Yemma said.

"Don't worry King Yemma we'll bust you out of there before you can say snake way! Pikkon let's take a shot on three!" Goku said as Pikkon nodded.

"One two three!" Goku yelled shooting a kai blast as Pikkon shot a green one as they hit the crystal and did nothing.

"Nothing it must have absorbed it!" Pikkon said.

"Let's give it one more try" Goku said holding another kai ball.

"Goku on the roof! The monster that did this is on the roof!" Yemma said.

"But I don't see a monster on the roof" Goku said looking up as they flew up and saw a large yellow monster "AHH! Never mind!" Goku said as the creature smiled at them "gosh it doesn't seem that mean to me."

"Well we'll soon find out" Pikkon said flying up to its face "are you the one that put the barrier up around this world?"

"Janemba, Janemba!" the creature said.

" a good boy and take down the barrier Janemba" Pikkon said as the creature just smiled and stared at him "are you stupid or what?! You heard me! Take that barrier down right this instant or elses!"


"Are you trying to make a fool out of me!?" Pikkon yelled getting flicked away like a fly and hit into one of the floating pink rocks.

"He didn't even try, you really pack a wallop who are you anyway?" Goku asked.

"Careful Goku he's stronger than he looks" Pikkon said.

"Janemba whoa!" the creature said sending a wave of kai energy at them.

"Incredible he's stronger than I thought I was right to come here this guy could destroy the whole universe, I never felt a power like this! Hey if you don't mind I think I better handle this one myself" Goku said excitedly.

"I know you your being selfish you just want to have all the fun!" Pikkon said flying towards Janemba.

"Janemba, Janemba!" the creature said pointing to Goku.

"You like me don't you? I'm the one you want to fight aren't I?" Goku said flying towards Pikkon.

"Did you forget about me!?" Yemma yelled.

"No Pikkon was going to help you won't you Pikkon, look I'm going to try to lore this big boy down to hell and as soon as you figure out how to get rid of this barrier come on down" Goku said flying off in front of Janemba.

"Come on, you can do it Janemba" he said as the creature tried to get onto its feet "follow me big fellow this way" Goku said as Janemba jumped down.

Down in hell Goku saw what Janemba had done and saw no sign of anyone whom been sent there.

"Man this guy effect every dimension in creation" Goku said as Janemba crashed down trying to get off its back "strange he seems so harmless."

Janemba then got to his feet and touched the rock below him and turned them into mini Janemba's and began making more as Goku laughed.

"Haha they are actually kind of cute there's not much going on in those heads though" Goku said as the mini Janemba began attacking and began piling on Goku as the large Janemba clapped his hands.

Goku then powered up and spun kicked them off him sending them landing in all directions and disappearing.

"Janemba?" the creature said.

Back on earth!

Gohan and the others saw what the captain meant. The city was filled with dead people as Gohan and Kento blasted away at the zombies while Serena and Videl were beating on their own group.

"What the hell is going on? Why are the dead walking they should be dead!" Kento yelled kicking a zombie head off.

"This is freaky guys what do you thinking is causing this to happen?" Videl asked.

"I don't know but whatever it is it's a lot better than doing dishes" Gohan said.

"True" Videl said.

"I wouldn't get over confident if I were you the real battle hasn't even stated yet" Frieza said from a building across from them.

"It's Frieza!" Gohan said.

"What!? He's apposed to be dead!" Kento said.

"A common stranger knows my name? I see my illustrious reputation precedes me" Frieza said bowing.

"Whoa someone full of themselves" Kento sweat-dropped.

"What a creep" Serena said.

"You don't recognize me but I'm no stranger I fought with you on Namek years ago" Gohan said removing his sunglasses.

"What's that?! AH! You're that little brat aren't you!?" Frieza said.

"I see you forgot my name, allow me to remind you" Gohan said throwing off his cape and turban as Kento followed.

"I am son of Goku the guardian for all that is good, Gohan!" he said.

"Ahem!" Kento grunted while glaring at his cousin.

"Oh and my cousin Kento nephew of Goku" Gohan said.

"Oh sure make mine boring" Kento said rolling his eyes.

"I'd love to kill Goku but killing his son and nephew is the next best thing" Frieza laughed.

"Is that so? Well you'll never know!" Gohan said.

"Teach this son of a Saiyan a lesson men!" Frieza yelled as every dead enemy weak and strong they ever face emerged.

Gohan then charged and flew at Frieza and punched him in the gut and blew him up as most of Frieza men ran off in fear.

"Nice going Gohan!" Videl said as Gohan landed down next to them.

"Hmmm?" Kento said looking over when a shadow moved over him as his eyes widen in fear.

"G-G-G-Gohan?" Kento said.

"What wrong Kento you look like you saw a ghost" Gohan said.

"I did" Kento said pointing towards a building where they saw a very angry and growling Broly.

"AHH! IT'S BROLY!" Gohan yelled as Broly charged at them.

"Oh not again!" Serena yelled.

"Serena Videl go! Find Vegeta, Reyoto and Goku and fast!" Kento yelled as the girls took off and Gohan and Kento dodged Broly punch.

"Hey Broly long time no see, you not still mad about what happened before are you?" Gohan asked nervously as Broly growled.

"You will die!" Broly yelled.

"Well Broly we have a little surprise for you were stronger than we were before so this is going to be easy!" Kento said as him and Gohan unlocked there Kai powers as Broly smiled.

"Why is he smiling?" Gohan asked in a concerend tone.

"I don't know! Why are you smiling Broly?" Kento asked as Broly yelled.

"AHHHHH!" Broly yelled as he powered to Super Saiyan 2 then began pushing it as his hair began to grow and his eyes went white.

"NO WAY!" Gohan said.

"SUPER SAIYAN 3?!" Kento yelled as Broly stopped yelling and smiled as he crossed his arms.

"This is not going to end well" Gohan said nervously.

"Tell me about it" Kento said just as nervous.


"Oh man! Broly again?! I just encountered a clone last time but that's the original!" Serena said as they flew over the city

"Should we go back?" Videl asked.

"Are you crazy?! Gohan and Kento can handle him now we just get in their way" Serena said before sensing something, "down!" she yelled pushing Videl down as they avoided the Psycho Thread technique.

"What was that?!" Videl asked as the two looked up to see Zangya sitting on a nearby car.

"One of you Gohan little girlfriend aren't you?" she smirked.

"That be me what's it to you lady?!" Videl growled.

"I have a score to settle with him so I think I will kill you first" Zangya said powering up.

"Videl go, this is one of Bojack lackeys and her power way too strong for you" Serena said.

"What about you?" Videl asked.

"I may not be a Super Saiyan 2 yet but I can take on this chick" Serena said.

"I'd rethink that girl same with that stupid ponytail of yours" Zangya said.

"Oh this bitch is so mine! Videl go!" Serena said powering to Super Saiyan.

"Okay, please be careful Serena!" Videl said taking off.


Goten and Trunks were gathering the dragon balls because Bulma saw what was happening and sent them to gather the dragon balls.

"Goten over here I found it the four-star ball" Trunks said seeing the ball in a golf ball hole.

"Let's see" Goten said.

"Check it out the last one, cool huh?" Trunks said flying into the air.

"Yeah no one can hunt dragon balls as fast as we can!" Goten said getting hit in the face with a golf ball and falling back "OW! Whoever did that was mean!"

"Any day now Goten come on!" Trunks said from in the air.

"Coming!" Goten said looking at the ball that was lying next to the hole "I'll hide it, serves them right!" he said dropping it into the hole and took off into the air as they flew over a mountain area and someone was floating in front of them.

"Who that Trunks?" Goten asked seeing the green man in front of them.

"I don't know but he's strong" Trunks said as the man turned to them.

"I know you, your Goku and Vegeta brats" Cell said.

"Hey who you calling brats?!" Trunks yelled.

"Yeah who are you!" Goten yelled.

"I'm Cell I believe your parents told you about me" Cell said.

"Your Cell? You don't look like much" Trunks said.

"Why you little!" Cell yelled powering up as they sensed something more powerful in the distances and Gohan and Kento fighting off someone.

"That's Gohan and Kento, and that energy it feels like…" Goten said.

"Broly! But how?!" Trunks yelled.

"Goten Trunks!" Reyoto yelled flying in.

"Uncle Reyoto!" Goten said.

"Get the dragon balls back to Bulma I'll handle Cell, find Vegeta and tell him to find Goku" Reyoto said.

"No problem!" Trunks said.

"Later Uncle Reyoto!" Goten said as they took off.

"So you're the one Raditz complained about?" Cell said.

"Raditz? Where the hell is that coward at?" Reyoto growled.

"I believe he's looking for that son of his, but it looks like Broly found them first" Cell said.

"Broly too? All our enemies are alive again. Hmm not for long!" Reyoto yelled powering to Super Saiyan.

Back in the city at C.C.

"Mom Broly and Cell are back!" Trunks yelled placing the dragon balls on the ground.

"Lets hurry and summon the dragon and make all this go away" Videl said.

"Shenron arise!" Bulma yelled as the sky was filled with dark clouds with one gold light leaving the dragon balls going into the sky as the dragon began to emerge.

"Wow here he comes!" Goten said.

"I hope he can do something for us" Videl said.

"I have come to grant you three wishes tell me what they are so I may go" Shenron said.

"Shenron there are dead people from the past who have suddenly appeared on earth can you return them to their place and restore the natural order?" Bulma asked.

"It shall be done" Shenron said.

"Oh thank god" Videl said.

"Wait I was wrong this wish cannot be granted" Shenron said.

"Why not?" Videl asked.

"You said you would do it, not fair!" Goten yelled as Trunks covered his mouth.

"I can move these souls to the next demission but there's nothing to keep them there, the barrier between demission's has failed and it's beyond my powers to restore it" Shenron said.

"What do we do now?" Videl asked as an explosion in the city got their attention.

Back in Hell!

Janemba was making the colorful rocks fall down towards Goku who moved out of the way as Janemba made them trap Goku as Janemba began running towards the color cage as Goku crawled out to see the monster running towards him and ran into it as Goku flew back and came at the monster who did and hand stand and kick Goku.

Goku then landed on the ground and came back at Janemba and got a slap by the monster as Janemba punched his hand into thin air as it vanished and came up next to Goku to punch him as Janemba began punching Goku without even getting near him.

Janemba then brought his fist down as Goku caught it as the monster brought his fist back and came back for another attack as Goku hit the fits with a kai blast making Janemba fall back.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled shooting a kai blast at Janemba how made a Goku clone appeared in his hand at created a Pink Kamehameha colliding with Goku attack and causing an explosion.

When the smoke cleared Goku was wide eyed at what he saw "was that me who shot me?" Goku asked.

Janemba then looked at his hand and laughed like a child as Goku laughed.

"Haha I better finish this off right now before this gets out of hand!" Goku said as he started yelling and powered to Super Saiyan as Janemba began yelling as his body began jiggling as kai blast came out of the four holes on his belly and came down at Goku as Goku dodged the blast.

Goku then began moving around Janemba as the creature lost his balance and fell on his head then onto his stomach and exploded.

"AHHH!" Goku yelled raising his power as Janemba got off the ground and Goku powered Super Saiyan 3.

"You should be proud of yourself only Majin Buu has pushed me this far in power before" Goku said as Janemba smiled and began clapping "you act innocent but your deadly it's over Janemba" Goku said flying towards the monster and began punching at the monster gut as Janemba made the color rocks fall down on them as Goku punched the monster out of the pile of rocks and hit him with a kai blast sending the creatures falling into the pile of colored rocks.

"AHHH!" Goku yelled as he formed two kai balls in his hands and flew down and slammed the kai balls into Janemba face causing a blue explosion as the creature cried out and fell over "that was weird" Goku said as he saw the deformed body began shrinking and turned red as a creature around Goku size emerged looking like a demon with pink and white armor. "I don't like the feel of this."

Back in the city!

"AH!" Gohan yelled a he got punched into a building while Kento was thrown down into another one.

"HAHAHA!" Broly laughed.

"Ow! He most certainly gotten stronger" Kento grunted emerging from the rubble.

"I'll say" Gohan said coming up next to him.

"I think it's time we pushed out powers" Kento said.

"You mean Super 3? Do you think we can" Gohan asked as Kento nodded.

"I believe we can now, your dad said all we must do is push that power far beyond anything we ever tried" Kento said as the two stood up.

"Ready?" Gohan asked.

"Ready!" Kento said.

"AHHHHH!" they both yelled powering up to Super Saiyan 2 as they raised their powers as Goku and Reyoto sensed the boys pushing their powers from the distances they were in.

Gohan and Kento hair than began to grow and the dull, their eyebrows became replace by now muscles and their new personalities kicked in.

"Wow who knew that this power would make me feel so dull but make Broly into a deranged maniac, weird my eyebrows got muscles now" Kento said touching one of the new features.

"Yeah let's see who Broly can handle us now" Gohan said as Broly crossed his arms and motioned for them to attack.

"Let's go!" Kento said.

In another part of the city!

"Ha!" Serena grunted as she back flipped several times dodging Zangya kai blasts.

"You can't dodge forever girl" Zangya smirked as Serena launched herself in the air in the Solar Flare stance.

"Solar Flare!" Serena yelled creating the blinding light.

"AHHHH! MY EYES!" Zangya screamed with her hands over her face as Serena charged at her.

"AH!" Serena yelled kicking Zangya and sent her crashing into the road below and into her own creator, "Violet Beam!" he yelled firing the kai blast and his Zangya and caused an explosion.

Somewhere over the ocean!

Reyoto blocked Cell kick as he grabbed the leg and threw Cell into a mountain.

"You may have been stronger before Cell, but times changed and you never fought someone like me" Reyoto said as Cell emerged from the rocks.

"True but I gotten stronger as well, being dead has had some benefits" Cell said.

"I like to see that" Reyoto said.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Cell yelled firing the blast as Reyoto dodged then kicked Cell in the face and sent him smashing into the water below.

Back in Hell!

Janemba charged at Goku as Goku dodged his punch and Janemba blocked his kick as he tried to smash Goku with his tail.

Goku then dogged and stood on one hand and kicked Janemba in the face as the monster growled and grabbed Goku leg and spun him around.

Goku then used his free leg and kick the creature in the face again and jumped back and formed a kai ball and threw it at the monster as it made a white hole appear in front of his face as the kai ball went in and shot out behind Goku who dodged and kneed the creature in the face then spun around to kick it and brought a kai blast to his face as the creature turned into a thousand cubes and made Goku miss his attack.

Janemba hand then reformed with a kai ball to Goku chest and blasted him as Goku grunted and jumped back as the monster smiled and shot a kai blast threw his mouth and hit Goku with a bright green light.

Two drag trails were seen as Goku remained standing with torn clothes and smoke coming off his body as he panted and the creature appeared in front of him and picked up a small little toy and turned it into a red blade sword as he smiled and came at Goku.

Goku tried to dodge the attack as it made a long trail as Goku formed a kai ball and threw it Janemba and the creature cut it in half with the sword but still got hit causing an explosion

Goku then flew away and the creature swung the sword sending a slice of energy as Goku hid behind the rock and the cut went right threw and cut his shoulder as Goku gripped it.

Janemba then appeared as Goku began dodged his attacks losing some slices of hair with every swing as Goku dodged one and powered down as he fell into a red water in the shape of a cone.

Janemba then began cutting off pieces of the cone liquid until Goku was left in a small piece as was about to swing as a blue kai ball came down and hit Janemba in the face as a series of blast began hitting him.

Goku then broke free from his liquid prison and fell to his knees on the ground.

"How many times do I have to tell you? If anyone going to end your existences it's going to be me!" Vegeta yelled as Goku turned around to see Vegeta in Super Saiyan.

"Vegeta? How did you get here?" Goku asked.

"I found an entrance and flew in but tell me what the hell going on, Gohan and Kento are fighting off Broly, Serena fighting one of Bojack men and Reyoto is handling Cell and I'm pretty sure Majin Buu somewhere around looking for us" Vegeta said "but it doesn't matter I'm here now and you unable to fight, so stay back while I handle this."

"But he's strong, I don't think he can be beat" Goku said.

"Don't worry I have one thing in my favor I'm a Super Saiyan 3!" Vegeta yelled power to his Super Saiyan 3 form as Janemba saw his sword shatter as he looked at the crushed toy in his hand and laughed.


Vegeta then came at him with a kick that Janemba dodged and tried to kick him but Vegeta dodged and threw a kai ball at him as the creature vanished into cubes dodging the blast.

Vegeta then blocked a kick as Janemba reformed and Vegeta jumped back as the creature was about to fade away again but Vegeta hit him with a kai blast and the creature appeared out of a portal covered in smoke.

Vegeta then charged at him and Janemba stretch his arm out and grabbed Vegeta neck and began slamming him into the color rocks above forcing Vegeta back into his normal form.

Janemba then threw Vegeta into a giant spike pit and brought his arm back to normal.

Goku then caught Vegeta as they flew down in the spike pit and set Vegeta somewhere flat.

"Why don't you just leave me be Kakarot?! I don't need your stinking help! You hear me!?" Vegeta yelled.

"Yeah I know I know, but this time I'm going to need your help Vegeta, you saw what he did to me back there" Goku said.

"Can he even be beaten?" Vegeta asked as he got up and leaned up against a spike.

"Yes if we work together then there's still a chance" Goku said.

"What?! Come on! He picked us apart!" Vegeta yelled.

"Yeah separately" Goku said.

"Separately? Surely you're not suggesting that" Vegeta said.

"It's the only way, we have to do fusion Vegeta" Goku said.

"You know better! Fusion! I'll never join bodies with you again clown!" Vegeta yelled.

"Would you rather us both be at the mercy of that monster he would tear us to shreds Vegeta, he taken the entire universe captive" Goku said.

"There's just some things a warrior can't do I'd rather die!" Vegeta said.

"You've been dead already Vegeta and didn't you say before that anything was better than life in hell again?" Goku said as Vegeta remember saying that before.

"N-O not in a million years Kakarot! Now don't ask me again!" Vegeta yelled as they sensed Janemba shooting an attack at them.

"Look out!" Goku yelled as sharp kai needles began shooting threw the spike spit as Goku and Vegeta tried to dodge.

When the attack ended both Saiyans were on the ground as Goku was the first to get up.

"Vegeta are you okay?" Goku asked as he ran over to Vegeta.

"Am I ok?! Do I look ok Kakarot?! The most painful thing is that you've gotten stronger while I will always remain the same!" Vegeta yelled.

"What you're saying is true Vegeta but you have gotten stronger" Goku said.

"Don't belittle me with your pity Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled.

"Look let's just forget about fusion alright it's been awhile since we've seen each other and there's no sense in fighting the whole time" Goku said, "we better go he's on the move" Goku said sensing Janemba moving "this place will be gone in thirty seconds so we might as well get a move on, grab ahold of me Vegeta we really don't have any time to spare."

"I refuse to run!" Vegeta said standing.

"We'll be slaughter" Goku said.

"I can't run Kakarot, we only got one choice...ugh! I'll do it I'll do the damn fusion technique" Vegeta said.

"Vegeta…huh?!" Goku said looking up to see more kai needles as he grabbed Vegeta and I.T. them out of the spike pit.

Back on earth!

"Berserker Wave!" Reyoto yelled firing the blast at Cell.

"AHHHHHH!" Cell yelled being blasted away and sent right back to hell by Reyoto who brushed his hands together and looked around to sense Goku or Vegeta.

Before he could get moving light glowing behind him caught his attention as he turned around to see a woman in a bright white light.

"Who are?!" Reyoto asked in fighting stance.

"Is that anyway to act around your baby sister big brother? Has it really been that long?" the woman asked emerging as a long black haired girl in a while flowing dress and a tail hanging behind her.

"Cora?" Reyoto said.

In the City!

"Ngh!" Serena grunted sliding across the road as she glared up at Zangya in torn clothes and panting.

"You're going to pay for that!" Zangya growled.

"And bring it on I'm still standing" Serena smirked as the two charged at each other.

"AHH!" they both yelled before punching each other in the face.

Back in hell!

Vegeta and Goku were on top of a pink cube surrounded by thousands of large pink cubes and away from Janemba.

"We better get started Vegeta, are you ready?" Goku asked as Vegeta nodded "it's a simple technique but we have to harmonize are spiritual energy or it won't work, our power levels have to be exactly the same we also have to move in perfect sync your posture has to mirror mine."

"My what?" Vegeta said.

"I'll show you, don't worry it's not that complicated it's kind of like a cross between traditional fighting stance and water ballet except without the water" Goku said moving into first position.

"Ballet?!" Vegeta yelled.

"Just watch for a second" Goku said moving his arms into the beginning possess "it's easier to show you then to explain it. Fuuuu!" he said moving few steps to the left and moving his arms "think of two rivers flowing towards one another and become narrower and narrower as they become closer to each other. Sion!" he spoke moving his knees and arms into place "note the opposing positions of knees and arms. Ha!" he finished moving into final posse with index fingers out "the two rivers coverage at two single points the points give under the pressure and the rivers flood into each other and become one."


"Why not? This is how it's done there's no other way to fuse now come on" Goku said moving into proper position.

"We're warriors Kakarot not ballerinas!" Vegeta yelled.

"Well hey so what if it looks a little funny? It's the end result were concern with besides were all alone out here, no one going to see us" Goku said.

Back on Earth!

Gohan and Kento were having a difficult time taking down Broly and were thrown into another building as Broly laughed.

"That's it! Gohan get up you remember fusion right?" Kento asked in his base form.

"Yeah but we haven't practiced in a long time do you think we can get it done?" Gohan asked as Kento grabbed his forehead and memory linked him.

"If this fails then were screwed now come on!" Kento said as they moved into position and Broly watched.

"What are you doing?" Broly asked.

"Just shut the hell up and watch!" Kento yelled as Gohan nodded to him.

Somewhere in the city!

Goten and Trunks were fighting off an army of undead Nazi's as they were whipped out by and pink light and Goten looked to Trunks.

"Did you do that?" Trunks asked.

"No I thought you did" Goten said as they turned around.

"AH!" the boys yelled when they saw Kid Buu smiling at them.

"It's Buu!" Goten yelled.

"Were dead were so, so dead!" Trunks said as Kid Buu formed a kai ball then sensed something and I.T. away.

Back in Hell!

"Remember Vegeta one body, one mind, one soul, let's do it!" he said as they finished evening out their power levels and moved into position.

"Fuuuu-Sion-Ha!" they said but Vegeta had his hand closed in final posse and when absorbed into the blue light and when Janemba turned a fat fused man appeared in front of him.

"You! What are you looking at?! You want some of this?!" Veku yelled.


"What a fiasco! His parts are even bigger than mine!" King Kai yelled shaking a TV set.

"I know you decided on Gogeta but in this particular form I think he looks more like a Veku" South Kai said.

"Veku the blimp" East kai said knitting.

"I got my book of names if you want to look North Kai" West Kai said as doors opened and Grand Kai came rolling out in his throne.

"Always takes a crises for you four to be nice to each other" Grand Kai said.

"Gosh your right" King Kai said.

Back in Hell!

Janemba stared at Veku then Veku charged at Janemba and got a punch to the face and kai blasted back and sent bouncing into a mountain.

Veku then pulled himself out of the side of the mountain with missing teeth and swollen cheeks and eyes.

"Are you out of your mind horn head?! You beast! I'm the ultimate warrior combo platter! Hehe!" Veku said giving him the finger as Janemba appeared in front of him and began beating on Veku.

"OH! AH! OH! UHHA!" he grunted bouncing around like a punching bag then spun around, "Double meat double cheese!" Veku yelled farting in Janemba face.

"UGH!" Janemba gaged covering his nose.

"Oh sorry! Oh my stomach!" Veku said pushing him back and rolling on him to fart in his face again and tripped over a rock as Janemba missed a punch and Veku began running off with Janemba chasing after him.

"AHHHHH!" Veku screamed leaving a dust trail.

"GRRRR!" Janemba growled chasing after him.


"What an artful dodger" East Kai said.

"Hoho yeah! Veku confounding him with his unpredictable movement" South Kai said.

"And with his gas attacks!" West Kai said.

"At this rate ole bubble butt might actually last the entire thirty minutes" Grand Kai said.

"I hope so, if he doesn't were sunk" King Kai said .

Back in Hell!

Veku tripped and made Janemba trip over him with Veku sliding and doing a punch to his stomach and jumped to his feet.

"Let's go Janemba lets see what you got!" Veku said as Janemba got up and kicked him in the face.


"USE THE GAS! USE THE GAS!" King Kai yelled shaking the TV screen.


"Now you done it! Prepare to meet your doom lizard man!" he yelled running over to Janemba and tripping so he lay in front of the monster, "UH! Oh?"

Veku then looked up to see Janemba smirking "HAHAHA!" Janemba laughed.


"Ten more minutes! There's no way!" King Kai said.

"Have faith North Kai" South Kai said.


Veku began a series of beatings while he waited for the ten minutes to finish.

"You're asking for it! You leave me no choice but to use my rabbit feet technique!" Veku yelled before running off and as he was running Kid Buu appeared in front of him as he ran past him.

"Huh?" Kid Buu said looking at the dust rail left behind as he turned to see Janemba approaching.

"Me Buu, me kill you!" Kid Buu laughed as he charged at Janemba giving Goku and Vegeta enough time to split as they flew over the color rocks while Kid Buu and Janemba fought.

"Kakarot your stupid fusion technique almost got us killed are you out of you mind?!" Vegeta yelled.

"Hey sorry I didn't know something must have gone wrong" Goku said.

"Goku you and Vegeta weren't symmetrical Vegeta hand wasn't in the proper position" King Kai said.

"Oh so it wasn't the technique it was the execution, watch those fingers the index finger has to be fully stretched" Goku said.


"Hey don't worry let's give it one more shot while we still can" Goku said.

"Fine!" Vegeta said as they heard an explosion and saw Janemba had killed Kid Buu.

"Hurry!" Goku said as Janemba came at them throwing a kai ball as the two quickly dodged as he came at them again.

"Vegeta look out!" Goku yelled but before Janemba could make an attack Pikkon kicked Janemba in the back of the head and knocked him over.

"Pikkon!" Goku said.

"Never mind the formalities! Times wasting! I'll hold him off! Go for it!" Pikkon yelled.

"Awesome Pikkon! This is it Vegeta! Come on let's go!" Goku said taking off with Vegeta as Pikkon blocked Janemba way.

"Your part of that insidious barrier aren't you?" Pikkon smirked "which means you must have the same weakness."

"GR! AHHHHH!" Janemba yelled charging at Pikkon.

"DISGUSTING FREAK!" Pikkon yelled as Janemba stopped as parts of his body cracked and he fell over with Pikkon tossing a barrage of kai blasts at him.

"Fuuuu-Sion-Ha!" Vegeta and Goku yelled doing a perfect fusion just as Janemba appeared behind Pikkon and smashed his fists to both sides of his head and the bright blue light caught Janemba attention.

"Huh?!" Janemba growled as Pikkon fell over as Gogeta emerged and Pikkon caught a glimpse at the new hero.

Gogeta wore and black and orange vest and was in Super Saiyan 3 and their power could be felt by warriors from across the universe sensed the new fused warrior.

"Wow incredible!" Pikkon said.

In the City!

"You sensed that Broly, that Goku and Vegeta fusing, well I hate to end this so soon but it's time to say good bye! Gohan!" Kento yelled as they went into fusion stance.

"Now!" Gohan said.

"Fuuu-Sion-Ha!" the teens yelled as they were engulfed in a blue light as Broly watched and Gohento emerged.

"Well hello Broly, I'm Gohento and this is the end!" he yelled powering to level 3 Super Saiyan as went into his final attack pose, "Victory Kamehameha!" Gohento yelled blasting Broly into the sky and Broly screams were heard as he turned into nothing and Gohan and Kento split.

"Better hurry, I don't want to miss this" Gohento said flying off with Kento to where they sensed Gogeta.


"Hey! Our dads fused! So did Kento and Gohan!" Goten said in Super Saiyan as they fought of the Nazi zombie army.

"Yeah! Let's join them!" Trunks said as the two went into fusion stance.

"Fuuuu-Sion-HA!" they yelled doing the perfect fusion and after the blue light died Super Saiyan Gotenks emerged.

In Hell!

"I am not Goku or Vegeta I am Gogeta! It's over Janemba we've come for you!" Gogeta said to Janemba.

"AHHHHH!" Janemba yelled as he powered up.

"Every force you create has an echo your own bad energy will be your undoing!" Gogeta said hitting Janemba with their own energy each stream of rainbow light punching and leaving imprints in Janemba.

Gogeta then appeared and kneed Janemba in the back of the head two times the spun and kicked his and landed away from the demon and held one hand over his head and formed a rainbow kai ball as it vanished and a light formed in Gogeta closed palm.

"AHHHHHH!" Janemba yelled charging at Gogeta as the hero threw the small ball of light hitting him as Janemba punched Gogeta in the face but the hero didn't flinch or appear to have felt the punch.

Janemba eyes then widen as his eyes and mouth became filled with a blind bright light as a hole blew out of his back "Stardust Breaker" Gogeta spoke.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Janemba yelled as he began to disintegrate into small orbs of rainbow light before they all reformed back into the red ogre.

"Huh?" the ogre said looking up as Gogeta just glared down at him, "AHHHHH!" the kid screamed before he ran off.

"Hahaha" Gogeta laughed as he smiled.


"Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!" Gotenks yelled spitting out all the ghosts as he created his own army, "line up!" he said as they made one long army line, "ghosts attack!"

The ghosts then laughed as they began to attack the army causing explosions and a massive cloud of smoke to cover that part of the city.

"YEAH! Fusion rocks!" Gotenks yelled covered in soot and had torn clothes, "better find dad!"


"KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!" Serena yelled hitting Zangya with the attack.

"AHHHHH!" Zangya screamed before she was destroyed by the blast and sent back to hell.

"Hn! Don't ever insult the ponytail!" Serena smirked. Smirked as she began to see all the zombies and all the enemies from hell beginning to fade.


"Dad!" Gohento said flying.

"Gohento what are you doing here?" Gogeta asked.

"Are you kidding we wanted to see you guys in fusion" Gohento said "looks like the world beginning to restore itself."

"We better go then" Gogeta spoke as he I.T. with the teens.

Back on earth!

Gohan and Kento were with Goku and Vegeta watching the Otherworld begin to repair itself as they sensed Reyoto approach as Kento saw a woman with him.

"Reyoto who is that?" Gohan asked as Reyoto smiled.

"Kento this is your mother Cora" Reyoto said.

"What!?" Gohan said.

"M-Mother?" Kento asked.

"Yes my darling it's me" she smiled.

"You're just like Reyoto described you, but your face that was the one thing I could never picture it" Kento said as tears spilled down his face "dammit! Not now! Damn tears!"

"No my son it's ok to cry even someone like you deserves to shed tears every now then" Cora said.

"I'm so sorry mom, you gave up your life for me and-" Kento said as his mother covered his mouth.

"No! Never think that you caused my death, I am proud of you Kento and I want you to continue to become the man you are growing up to be, I love you so much Kento and I always will" she said hugging him as she began to fade.

"No, mom please don't leave!" Kento begged holding onto her.

"I have to Kento, but we will meet again, in the next life" she said kissing his forehead and looked over to Reyoto "Big brother you kept your promise, I love you both so much and hope to see you both someday" she said as she faded away and the balance was restored.

"Hey you okay Kento?" Goku asked.

"Yeah I guess" Kento said.

"What happens now?" Gohan asked.

"We get on with life and cancel the camping trip since were all tired and can re-plan later" Reyoto said as him and the other adult flew off leaving Gohan and Kento.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gohan asked.

"Yeah I guess I'm happy that I finally got to meet my mother, you're lucky Gohan that you got parents still alive while me and Serena birth parents are dead, that always bothered me but now that I'm a part of your family I guess I'm complete, thank you Gohan" Kento said.

"For what?" Gohan asked.

"For bringing me and Reyoto into your family" Kento said as they flew into the air.

Later that day!

The sun was setting as the four teens flew with Goten and Trunks.

"Man I'm glad things are back to normal again, isn't life wonderful?" Gohan said.

"It sure is" Videl said.

"Well not everything the way it was before we saw something really strange back in the city isn't that right Trunks?" Goten said.

"Yeah! Haha!" Trunks laughed as the four teens eyes widen.

"What did you see?!" Videl asked.

"Don't worry we'll never tell!" Trunks said as the two kids laughed.

"Come on now guys what did you see?" Gohan asked crossing his arms as the two made kissy faces at the teens, "HEY! That's not fair! What were you doing?! Spying on us?!"

"You got it!" Goten yelled as they took off.

"YOU TWO GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Gohan yelled chasing after them.

"Wait Gohan!" Videl said.

"YOU BRATS ARE DEAD!" Kento yelled.

"Kissy kissy OHH!" Goten said making more kissy faces.

"YOU BETTER NOT TELL MOM!" Gohan yelled.

"OH! How embarrassing!" Videl blushed.

"You and Gohan made out in the city too?" Serena blushed.


"Wait for us guys!" Videl yelled as the girls flew after them.


"Is someone going to make a wish or what?" Shenron.

A.N. And that dose it for this chapter up next another new chapter not seen from my previous version! So please review what you thought!
© 2014 - 2024 Rojoneo
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